Green Motorsport

Accelerating Innovation

We are Green Motorsport

Efficient and robust liquid cooled electric motors designed with passion and engineered to perfection


Green MotorSport (GMS) are proud to display their new range of products designed for the emerging electric vehicle market.
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Electric Drive System is ideally placed to be the premium solution to meet the latest environmental protection rules for inland waterways.
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The GMS Tapir Utility Prototype Buggy


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What our clients say

  • “The team from Green MotorSport Limited, led by Gordon Foat was the first team from the UK to take part in our WAVE Trophy events starting back in 2011. Team Green MotorSport has been taking part for the past 4 years.  Gordon Foat’s team has been an inspiration to the WAVE group in so many positive ways. If there’s one thing clear about Green MotorSport, it is that they always deliver, time and time again.  We are always happy to accommodate Team Green MotorSport in the WAVE Trophy and look forward to working with Green MotorSport in the future on many more exciting and demanding projects.
    The Team is always professionally turned out and well managed in every respect. Gordon has assisted WAVE to reach out to people all over Europe with his electric vehicles powered by the sun and the wind.

    Louis Palmer : Champion of Earth 2011 , WAVE Trophy founder and Director
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